Downloadable publications
of Vladimír Benáček

The publications are enlisted below in four groups by topics:

* A/ International Economics, Trade & Finance
* B/ Competitiveness, Growth & Entrepreneurship
* C/ Economic Institutions & the Behaviour of Economic Agents
* D/ Economic Transition & Governance


Political Risk and FDI: How Do They Get Along in Various European Countries? (H. Lenihan, B. Andreosso-O'Callaghan, E. Michalikova and D. Kan co-authors). The World Economy, vol. 37 (5): 625-653, 2014.

German International Trade: Interpreting Export Flows According to the Gravity Model. (Co-authors M. Paulus and E. Michalíková). IES Working Paper 19/2014. Charles University, 2014.

Determinants of Austrian International Trade: Analysis Based on the Gravity Model. (Co-author L. Davidová). IES Working Paper 05/2014. Charles University, 2014.

Trade Reorientation and Global Reintegration. In: P. Hare & G. Turley (edit.) Co-author Z. Drabek. Routledge Handbook on the Economics and Political Economy of Transition. London, Routledge, 2013.

Political Risk, Institutions and Foreign Direct Investment: How Do They Relate in Various European Countries? (H. Lenihan, B. Andreosso-O'Callaghan, E. Michalikova and D. Kan co-authors). IES Working Paper no 24, 2012.

International Trade Theory and Its Methodology: Explaining the Structure of Migration Flows. In: Angelescu I., S. Gherghina and P. Flather (edit.): Facets of Migration in Contemporary Europe. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Specific Challenges. Stuttgart, Ibidem Verlag, 2010, pp. 63-86.

Jak se rozhodují velcí zahraniční investoři při alokaci svých investic v Evropě? Socioweb č. 4, 2009

Command Economy after the Shocks of Opening up: The Factors of Adjustment and Specialisation in the Czech Trade. (Co-author J.Podpiera). Proceedings of the 9th EU NIP Conference, Univ. of Limerick, 2006 or alternatively: Prague Social Science Studies no. EC-013, 2006.

Determinimg Factors of Exports and Imports: A Synthesis of Explanatory Paradigms. Charles University, FSV, Prague Social Science Studies no. PFF-016, 2006

Determining Factors of Trade and Specialisation in Transition: Econometric Testing of the Czech Exports and Imports, 1993-2001. (Co-authors L. Prokop and J. A. Visek). Charles University, Prague Social Science Studies no. PPF-017, 2006

Determining Factors of the Czech Foreign Trade: A Cross-Section versus Time Series Perspective. Czech National Bank, Working Paper no. 3, 2005 (Co-authors J. Podpiera and L. Prokop).

Economic Survey of Europe, no. 1, 2004, Economic Commission for Europe, United Nations, Geneva and New York. Chapters on transition countries: Current Accounts, External Financing a FDI, p. 73-90, 108-118, 204-205. a/ The Central European economies. b/ The CIS economies.

Current Account Developments in Central, Baltic and South-Eastern Europe during 2002-2003. Univ. Karlova, FSV-IES, Working Paper no. 49, 2004, p. 1-21

External Financing and FDI in Central, Baltic and South-Eastern Europe during 2002-2003. Univ. Karlova, FSV-IES, Working Paper no. 50, 2004, p. 1-22

Determining Factors of the Czech Balance of Trade: Structural Issues in Trade and Growth. Interim research report for the Czech National Bank, December 2003. J. Podpiera and J. Visek co-authors.

Structure and Dynamics of Trade in a Small Economy in Transition before the EU Accession: The Case of Czech Trade. IIASA, Vienna, IR Series no. 03-034, August, 2003. Prokop L., Visek J. A. co-authors.

Determining Factors of Trade Specialization and Growth of a Small Economy in Transition: Impacts of the EU Opening-up on Czech Exports and Imports. IIASA, Vienna, IR Series no. 03-001, January, 2003. J. A. Visek, co-author.

Determining Factors of the Czech Foreign Trade Balance: Structural Issues in Trade Creation. Working Paper no. 3, Czech National Bank, 2003. Prokop L. and Visek J. A. co-authors.

Impacts of the EU Opening-up on a Small Open Economy. In Karadeloglou P. (editor): Enlarging the EU - Trade Balance Effects. Palgrave/Macmillan, New York, 2003, p. 3-29. Co-author J. A. Visek.

Podmínky a přínosy vstupu Česka do EU. Ekonom č. 10, s. 24-28 a č. 11, s. 46-49, březen 2003

Alternative Options for the Monetary Integration of Central and Eastern European EU Accession Countries. IIASA Interim Report Series no. 02-068, 2002. Co-editor János Gács.

Determining Factors of Competitiveness of Trade and Specialization of Czech Industrial Sector before the EU Accession. Working Paper no. 19, FSV-IES, Charles University, Prague, 2002. Co-author J. A. Visek.

Exchange Rate and the Supply Response: Is the PPP a Relevant Rule for Assessing the Equilibrium? In: "Exchange Rate Policies, Prices and Supply Side Response". Papazoglou C. a Pentecost E.J. (editors). Palgrave/MacMillan, New York, 2001, p. 104-121

Determining Factors and Effects of FDI in an Economomy in Transition: Evidence from Czech Manufacturing in 1991-97. Proceedings from ICSEAD Conference on Transition, Budapest, 2001. Co-author J. A. Visek.

FDI, Int. Trade and the Adjustments to World Markets in a Small Open Economy of Transition. In: The 10-Year Review of Transitional Economies. Final Report. UNIDO, Vienna, 2001, p. 127-142

The Determinants and Impact of FDI in Central and Eastern Europe: A comparison of survey and econometric evidence. (Co-authors M. Gronicki, D. Holland, M Sass). Transnational Corporations, Journal of United Nations, vol.9, no. 3, New York, December, 2000, p. 163-212

Přímé zahraniční investice v české ekonomice: praxe, teorie a aplikace. Polit. ekonomie, č. 1, 2000, s. 7-24

The Usage of Factors in a Dual Economy: Specialisation in the Czech Foreign Trade. Proceedings of MACROMODELS'99 Conference, Rydzyna, Poland, Volume II., University of Lodz, 2000

Růst a strukturální změny v zahraničním obchodě českého zpracovatelského průmyslu v létech 1993-1997. Czech J. of Economics and Finance, č. 12, 1999, s. 737-756. Spoluautorka A. Zemplinerova.

The Determinants of FDI Flows into Czech Manufacturing Industries: Theoretical Background for an Empirical Study. WIFO Seminar, Vienna, 1999. Authors V. Benacek and J. A. Visek.

FDI in the Czech Republic: Environment, Structure and Efficiency in the Manufacturing Sector. CERGE-EI, Prague, WP no. 110, 1997

Foreign Direct Investment-East and West: The Experiences of the Czech Republic. (Co-author A. Zemplinerova). In: Proceedings from the Conference on Technological Cooperation, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, Taipei, Taiwan, 1996, p. 301-388.

The Leontief Paradox in Foreign Trade of a Socialist Country. Some Empirical Evidence reconsidered. The Ninth International Conference on Input-Output Techniques, Keszthely, Hungary, Sept. 4 - 9, 1989

International Trade under Communism: Theories and the Adaptation Process to Structural Change in a Planned Economy. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1986


Proč jsou české mzdy stále mnohem nižší než v Německu? Ekonom č. 48, 2018. Why Czech Wages Are Still So Low? A Comparison with Germany and Austria. (In Czech).

The Factors of Growth of Small Family Businesses - A Robust Estimation of the Behavioural Consistency in Panel Data Models (with E. Michalikova, co-author), Prague Economic Papers, 2016, vol. 25 (1), 85-98.

Export vzdělání. Literární Noviny, říjen 2016. Redaktor: Z. Fiala.

The Factors of Growth of Small Family Businesses: A Robust Estimation of the Behavioral Consistency in the Panel Data Models. (E. Michalikova, co-author). IES Working Paper 6/2011 (downloadable). IES FSV. Charles University. February 2011

Family Businesses and the Factors of Their Growth. (E. Michalikova, co-author). In: "Individuals and Households in the Czech Republic and in Countries of Central Europe". J. Večerník (edit.), Prague, Sociologické studie, Prague, SoÚ AVČR, December 2010

Aspekty efektivnosti při volbě profese a školy: přizpůsobují se střední školy potřebám podniků? Publ. "Lidé města" (vol. 12), December, 2010. Presented at the 25th World Congress of the SVU, Tábor, 2010

The Gradual Evolution of the Czech Entrepreneurial Elite. Chapter 5 in: The Czech Labour Market: Changing Structures and Work Orientations (J. Vecernik (ed.). Prague, Sociologické studie 07 no. 4, 2008, pp. 85-101, ISBN 978-80-7330-132-3

On the Stages of Transformation of the Communist Entrepreneurial Elite. A review of the Czech case. Proceedings of the 4th int. conference "An Enterprise Odyssey", Cavtat, Croatia, June 2008.

O původu a zdrojích proměn české podnikatelské elity. Časopis Lidé města, č. 1, 2008

On the Origins of Entrepreneurship in Transition Countries: The Case of Czechoslovak Entrepreneurial Elite. Charles University, FSV, Prague Social Science Studies, Series PFF no. 22, 2007

Vliv struktury ekonomiky na strukturu školství: model souladu nabídky s poptávkou. Spoluautor T. Brzobohatý. Praha, FSV, Univ. Karlova, 2007

El Empresario Espontáneo Versus la Privatización Interna de las Empresas Estatales. Publicado en INPSICON, Bogotá, Colombia, Enero 2007

The Rise of Grand Entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic and Their Contest for Capitalism. Czech Sociological Review, 2006, vol. 42, no. 6, p. 1151-1170

Spontaneous Entrepreneurship Versus the Insider "Privatization". CRCE, London, July, 2006

Růst zkreslení HDP v prostředí transformace: Problémy s měřením růstu a rozvoje české ekonomiky. Sborník Centra pro ekonomiku a politiku č. 39, "Měříme správně HDP?". CEP, Praha, 2005

Konkurenční schopnost české ekonomiky. Podklady s komentářem k publikaci M. Potůček (edit.): Jak jsme na tom. A co dál? Praha, Sociologické nakl., 2005

New Private Sector: The Czech Case. IN: The Private Sector after Communism. New Entrepreneurial Firms in Transition Economies, Chapter 3. Routledge Publ., New York, 2004, ISBN 0415318076, Winiecki J., Laki M. co-authors.

Česká ekonomika je lepší než vypadá. Skrytý růst české ekonomiky. Ekonom, č. 31, s. 26-27, 2004

Historical Perspectives of Growth, Integration and Policies for Catching-up in Transition Countries. Prague Economic Papers, no. 1, 2003, p. 3-17

Enlargement of the EU and the Catching up in Countries of CEE. Handout for the Georegetown Univ. Summer School, 2001

Konkurenční schopnost české ekonomiky. In: Kabele J., Mlčoch L. (edit.): Institucionalizace (ne)odpovědnosti: globální svět, evropská integrace a české zájmy, vol. II., Praha, Karolinum 2001, s. 133-148

Globalization and Adjustment in a Small Open Economy: Czech Manufacturing in 1993-98. Proceedings of the 10th Conference of International Trade and Finance Association, Montpelier, 2000. Co-author A. Zemplinerova.

Adaptabilita české ekonomiky. Analytické studie, Rada vlády RESES, 2000, s. 497-517

Investing in Czechia and in Accession Countries of Central Europe: the Pros and the Cons. In: "A New Dialogue Between Central Europe and Japan" (J. Sykora, editor). Charles University, IEAS, Prague, 2000, p. 143-157

Restructuring and Measurement of Efficiency in Firms in Transition. CERGE-EI, WP 137, 1998. Authors: Benacek V., Shemetilo D. and Petrov A. (missing graphs - please use the next paper below).

Efficiency under Restructuring from a Microeconomic Perspective. IN: Restructuring Eastern Europe, S. Sharma (editor), E. Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 1997

The Competitiveness and Trade of Enterprises in Transition: The Importance of Unorthodox Strategies for Survival. ITFA Proceedings, 1997 and CERGE-EI, DP no. 7, 1997

Problems of Financial Intermediation in Heavy Industry as an Obstacle to Integration. University of Essex, Proceedings on the Integration of Central and Western Europe (E. Kirchner, ed.), 1996, p. 7-18

Small Businesses and Private Entrepreneurship During Transition: the Case of Czechia. CERGE-EI, WP no. 53, 1994. Alternatively an updated version of this paper can be downloaded here.

Problems and environment of small businesses in the Czech Republic. J. of Small Business Economics, vol. 7, Kluwer Publ., 1995, p. 437-450


Elity tváří tvář vleklé krizi. Scénář vývoje české společnosti. In: P. Frič, A. Veselý (edit.): Riziková budoucnost. Praha, MatFyz Press, 2010, s. 17-28. P. Frič spoluautor. Abstrakt: Socioweb č. 9, 2010, s. 1-2, Dilemata ekonomického rozvoje současné české společnosti"

National Plans as Indicative Targets for the Policies and Priorities of Public Administration. In: in M. Potůček, A. Rašek (editors): Stategic Social Governance in the Czech Republic. Prague, Grada Publishing, 2009

Taxislužba - příklad tržní nedokonalosti a regulace. Socioweb č. 5, SOÚ AVČR, květen, 2007

In: Postavení trhů v interakci s veřejným a občanským sektorem "ČR v EU: proměny a inspirace", M. Kortusová (edit.). Praha, Univ. Karlova-FSV, 2007, s. 84-86 (Markets interacting with the public and the private sectors - in Czech.)

Las Tres Dimensiones del Gobierno Social Moderno: Mercados, Jerarquías y Parentescos. Publicado en INPSICON, Bogotá, Columbia, April, 2007

Veřejný nebo soukromý? (Markets and the public goods issue - in Czech). Ekonom, č. 6, 8.2.2007, s. 44-46

Three Dimensions of Modern Social Governance: Markets, Hierarchies and Kinships. In: Democratic Governance in the CEECs. A. Rosenbaum and J. Nemec, eds, Bratislava, NISPAcee Publ., 2006, 407-428. For an abridged version click HERE

Cab Services: How the market structure determines the performance of its agents and vice versa (in Czech). CESES, září 2005

The EU Referenda Compared. IIASA, Austria, Occ. Paper no. 10, 2003

Jak se liší referenda EU? EKONOM č. 32, 17.8.2003, s. 22-23

Rise of an Authentic Private Sector in an Economy of Transition: Nově založené podniky a jejich role v české ekonomice. WP IES, Charles University, no. 34, 2003

Economics of Alliances and (Dis)Integration: An Alternative Interpretation of Transition Illustrated on Czech Economic History. Universite de Marne-la-Vallee, Paris, 2002

EU Structural Support: Its Macroeconomic and Distributional Effects and Social Environment. Laxenburg/Vienna, IIASA, IR-01-032, 2001. Co-editor János Gács.

Malé a střední podniky a školství - dvě promarněné šance české transformace. Sborník z konference IEPE, 11/2000

Problémy české veřejné správy a byrokracie - současný stav a nástin řešení. Analytické studie, Rada vlády RESES, 2000, s. 433-447. Co-author J. Kabele.

Standardní kapitalismus se nepovedl. Zpět k tržním fundamentům. Hospodářské noviny, 30.5. a 3.6.1997. Spoluautor V. Bárta.

Market Failure Versus Government Failure: the Ways of the Emerging Market Economies. CERGE-EI, Prague, WP Series, 1992

The Buildup of Market Institutions and Economic Policy in Transition. The Economic and Social Imperatives of the Future Europe. A. Clesse and R. Tokes (edit.). Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, 1991


Třicet let českého kapitalismu. Ekonom č. 46 2019 - Transformace jako balancování mezi kreativitou a destrukcí.

Sto let české samostatnosti. Ekonom č. 43 z 25.10.2018 - Srovnání závodů Česka s Rakouskem a Německem. Hundred years of the Czech independence (1918-2018) - comparison with Germany (in Czech).

Perspektivy vývoje hospodářských vztahů ČR se zeměmi Latinské Ameriky.. Příspěvek do zprávy předsedy PS Parlamentu ČR "Stav vztahů ČR se zeměmi Latinské Ameriky". Publikace Parlamentu ČR, duben 2010.

Las relaciones con América Latina. El informe sobre las relaciones de Rep. Checa con países de América Latina para la Cámera de Diputados, enero 2010.

Dilemata ve vývoji české ekonomiky. Kap. C4 knihy Trendy, příležitosti a ohrožení České republiky" (M. Potůček, M. Mašková, edit.). Praha, Nakl. Karolinum, 2009, s. 150-191.

Strategic Governance in the Czech Republic after 1989. Chap. 2 in M. Potucek (edit.): Strategic Governance in the Czech Republic. Prague, Karolinum Press, 2009, p. 64-81. Co-authors: M. Potucek, J. Prikryl and M. Nachtmannova.

Management of the Policies of Development in the Czech Republic: CzechInvest as an Example of Public Administration Competence. In: K. Staronova, L. Vass (edit.): Public Policy and Administration: Challenges and Synergies. Bratislava, NISP Acee Press, 2009, s. 15-36.

Policies for Competitiveness and Development in the Czech Republic during Transition Period. How the transition really works: Introduction to the Policies of Transition Based on the Czech Case, 1980-2008. Analytical material for the book "The Productive Transformation 20 Years after". CEPAL/ECLAC, Santiago, 2008, pp. 231-299

Public-private alliances for structural change, productivity growth and closer integration with the world economy (10 economies compared). Chapter VI. edited by R. Devlin and G. Moguillansky. In: The Productive Transformation 20 Years after. CEPAL/ECLAC, Santiago, 2008, pp. 231-299

Alianza público-privada para la transformación productiva y la inserción internacional. 10 economías comparadas. Cap. VI. editado por R. Devlin and G. Moguillansky. En: La Transformación productiva 20 aňos dispués. Viejos problemas, nuevas oportunidades. CEPAL, Santiago, 2008, pp. 247-316

The prediction of the world economic crisis already in February 2006. (in Czech) Predikce světové krize 2017-19 s víc než ročním předstihem. Autor Ondřej Benáček, publikováno v Hospodářských novinách, 28.2.2006, s. 9.

Catching up of the Central Asian Economies by Trade-Driven Development and the EU Alliance. In: Asia and Europe: Connections and Contrasts. B. Andreosso, B. Zolin (eds). Venice, Ca' Foscarini Publishing, ISBN 978887543-2072, 2008.

Trh a podnikový sektor. Kap.B 1.3 knihy Strategické volby pro č. společnost: teoretická východiska. M. Potůček, J. Musil, M. Mašková (edit.). Praha, Nakl. SLON, 2008 (říjen).

Trh, stát a občanský sektor ve vzájemných vztazích. Kap.B 1.5 knihy Strategické volby pro č. společnost: teoretická východiska. M. Potůček, J. Musil, M. Mašková (edit.). Praha, Nakl. SLON, 2008 (říjen), s. 151-171

Ekon. teorie veřejných statků. Kap.B 1.6 knihy Strategické volby pro č. společnost: teoretická východiska. M. Potůček, J. Musil, M. Mašková (edit.). Praha, Nakl. SLON, 2008 (říjen).

Reformy sociálně-ekonomických modelů v zemích EU: teoretické přístupy. Časopis Sociální studia č.3, prosinec 2007

Political Economy of the EU Rapprochement Policies with Cuba and Central Asia. In: Cabada P. and M. Mravinac: Studies in European Integration. Prague, 2007

Political Economy of the Cuban Society before the post-Castro Transition. Paper on the endless Cuban economic travesties presented at the conference "Globalisation, Conflict and the Experience of Localities", Rome, 27-29 June, 2007

Poznámky ke strategii hospodářského růstu M. Jahna. IN: Strategické vládnutí a ČR. Potůček M., Rašek A. (edit.). Grada Publ., Praha, 2007, s. 229-257 {spoluautorka M. Nachtmannová)

Nová francouzská revoluce - k událostem ve vyspělém post-industriálním státě. Socioweb SoÚ, č. 5, 2006, s. 9-12

Catching up of the Tajik and the Central Asian Economies by Investment and Export-Driven Development. P. Asadov co-author. UN DP Working Paper Series / EPIN, 2006

The Role of FDI in Tajikistan. Author: Asadov P. (V. Benáček / mentor). In Russian only - Rol' innostrannykh investicii v uskorenii dinamiki ekonomicheskikh reform v Tadjikistane). UN DP, EPIN Project, Working Paper Series, 2006

Castro vs Cuba: Cuba and Its Dilemmas. Prague Post, Oct 12, 2005

Kuba před zásadní ekonomickou reformou. Hospodářské noviny, 18.5.2005, s. 11

1989-2004: 15 Years of Transition - The End of the Never-ending Story? Proceedings of CRCE Symposium in Bled, Slovinia, 25th - 28th September 2004

Autentický soukromý sektor v tranzitivní ekonomice. Příspěvek ke hledání kořenů a alternativ českého kapitalizmu. Finance a úvěr, 52, č. 3, 2002, s. 122-143

Summit v Johannesburgu je střetem civilizací. (Mahendra Shah co-author) Ekonom, č. 36, 5.9.2002, s. 32-33

History of Czech Economic and Political Allignments Economy Viewed as a Chain of Transitions - comparison with 24 countries. In: D. Salvatore, J. Damijan and M.Svetlicic (editors): Small Countries in a Global Economy. Palgrave/Macmillan, New York, chapter 4, 2001

The Generic Private Sector in an Economy of Transition: Developments and Impacts on the Czech Economy. IIASA-Austria, IR-01-046, 2001

Autentický soukromý sektor v tranzitivní ekonomice: příspěvek ke hledání kořenů a alternativ českého kapitalismu. WP IES, Charles University, no. 3, 2001 (rozšířená verze, 28 s.)

Proč skončila česká cesta restrukturalizace? Asie jako inspirace. Respekt, 16.10.2000

Fiscal Convergence to the Countries of EU and the State Burden. Prague Economic Papers, no. 4, 1997, p. 313-322

Czech Textile and Clothing Industry During the Period of Transition, 1995. M. Mejstrik co-author. See also "Adjustment and Performance of the Textile and Clothing Industry in the Czech Republic, Poland and Portugal" (jointly with C. Corado and W. Caban). CEPR, London, Paper No. 1260, 1995

The Statement of Independent Economists. Lidové noviny, 31.12.1991. The document from the most crucial transition crossroad. Non ita Diis placuit ! Authors Kyn O., Benacek V., and Mejstrik M., plus comments from remaining 11 independent economists.

Prohlášení 14 českých a slovenských nezávislých ekonomů. Lidové noviny, 31.12.1991. Ne-silvestrovské názory na zásadní křižovatku české společnosti... daleká cesta má...
Ne všichni ekonomové viděli transformaci jen politicky krátkodobě. Reakce V. Klause

Many risks of the Czech reform were anticipated already at the beginning of 1991. A crucial analytical material presented by D. Begg at the CEPR conference in March 1991 that Santa Klaus disregarded.

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* * * * * Last update: 15 Jan 2025 * * * * *

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