This "Samizdat" page contains occasional texts
written mostly for pleasure

(hopefully, not only for the pleasure of the author).

The texts are enlisted below in three groups by topics:
* A/ Humanities related to economics
* B/ Biographies & Memoirs
* C/ Miscellaneous, mainly for fun

* A/ Humanities related to economics:

Modelling the Pataphysics Exemplified in Franz Kafka's Novels. Where is the borderline between science and art? Published in Munich Social Science Review, vol. 9, Jan 2025.

Nowhere to Go Humanity, an Economic Rejoinder to Timo Airaksinen. An economic interpretation of the novels of Franz Kafka. Munich Social Science Review, New Series, 2018 vol. 1, p. 119-134. A revised version of the paper can be downloaded here.

On the methodology of proofs in social sciences. The weak chains of reasoning according to Josef Macek. Presentation at the Center for Theoretical Study, Charles University, 2007

Proof and Evidence. How Do We Think - An Inquiry into the Ways of Reasoning. FOREWORD and information about the pending publication of the revised manuscript of Prof. Josef Macek and edited by V. Benacek, 2024

Sto let české samostatnosti. Ekonom č. 43 z 25.10.2018 - Srovnání závodů Česka s Rakouskem a Německem. Diskuse nad českými cestami a necestami v zápasech o národní suverenitu.

* B/ Biographies & Memoirs:

Homage to Cambridge and the goood old days.

Paměti mého otce kpt. V. Benáčka. Nekonvenční pohled na válečná období 1938-72. Proč stále nemůžeme opustit mýty a komunistická schemata?

War II Memories of My Father. A very unconventional view on the Czecho-Slovak history, Slovak restistance to nazis and commies, and the absurd life in communism.

Rozhovor o svobodě - i za komunismu pro Institut pro péči o kulturní a intelektuální dědictví (2020).

Vzpomínky na Karla Koubu. 2013. KK byl nestorem české ekonomie 1963-2013.

Poznámky k 20-leté historii IES při FSV UK. On how the ECONOMICS at Charles University was founded 21 years ago, May, 2011 (in Czech). Published by Karolinum, 2013, as Soudobá ekonomie očima tří generací. L. Mlčoch editor. Západní ekonomie se u nás praktikovala na úrovni i za normalizace! Nebyla po ní však institucionální poptávka.

* C/ Miscellaneous, mainly for fun:

How to be successful in the economic science. Unvailing the burka of some hard economists :(

International humor.

Slovník na úrovni pro lidi, kteří ještě ne vše znají.

Catenaccio a la Drnovice or Journey to the Beginning of the Time of Economic Transformation. Stand-up acting as a professor
instructing the audience about the scheme of how to steal assets from a valuable company privatized on debt.

The 57-minute 2010 film by director Radim Procházka investigates how the money from a nouveau riche oligarch's privatization
on debt ended up in his various private holdings through very strange contrivances. He invested heavily in a football team that
suddenly cropped up in his village of Drnovice, which has 2000 inhabitants. This team even challenged Bayern Munich in the UEFA
Cup by playing 0:0 at home and losing 1:0 in Munich in the last minutes. His other ventures brought him to long-lasting litigations with no final sentence

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. . . GPT AI! Generate a drawing of a vivacious meadow! But no kitsch!!! :

Indeed, how gorgeous our new AI reality is! What a pleasure to live in it!

* * * * * Last update: 15 Jan 2025 * * * * *